Labels:bulletin board | daily | earth | gazette | grass | person | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: thousand feet above sea level capped by even higher unnamed peaks Scoresbysund is the southern most part of Northeast Green- land National Park, the largest pro tected national park on earth with size totaling close to million square mi1 es Resident fauna includes polat bears musk -oxen ermine lern - mings, arctic wolves and many species of bird on the soutnerr iringe of the park 1iv hundred Inuits some them still using their traditional seal skin kayaks and dog sleds when hunting and fishing Aboard Twin -Otter STOI plane, we head from Akureiry northern I celand, to the innet granite dungeons of Scoresby sund to Gurreholm, the starting point of our kayak journey For the next 11 days we paddie our ka ayaks explor ing narrow side arms of the main fiord admir apped unnamec Scoresr vsund Nort ...